A hybrid Random Forests and Artificial Neural Networks Bagging Ensemble for Landslide Susceptibility Modelling

Mamdani fuzzy inference systems and artificial neural networks for landslide susceptibility mapping

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Investigation of the influence of nonoccurrence sampling on landslide susceptibility assessment using Artificial Neural Networks

Veja o Manuscrito Aceito clicando no link acima. Link para a publicação formal a partir do doi https://doi.org/10.1016/j.catena.2020.105067 ou clique no link acima escrito DOI, de acordo com a Política de Compartilhamento da Elsevier. O manuscrito …

Comparison between hydrostatic and total pressure simulations of dam-break flows

Attribute selection using correlations and principal components for artificial neural networks employment for landslide susceptibility assessment

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Direct Numerical Simulations of turbidity currents with Evolutive Deposit Method, considering topography updates during the simulation